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My mother and my friend

My mother and my friend

  • Duration: 78 min
  • Studio: Zone sexuelle
  • Director: Fabien Lafait
  • Release: June 2016

Note :

Max and Josh, two friends, have fun sharing their conquests on a regular basis, for fun and above all to compare their performances. But what they might not know is that even women from their respective families are concerned: Max fucks Josh's sister, while Josh has fun with Max's mother ...
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Article 227-22 of the Penal Code:

Promoting or attempting to promote the corruption of a minor is punished by five years' imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. These penalties are increased to seven years imprisonment and 100,000 euros fine when the minor has been put in contact with the perpetrator through the use, for the dissemination of messages to an undetermined audience. , of an electronic communications network or that the acts are committed in educational or educational establishments or in the premises of the administration, as well as, during the entries or exits of the pupils or the public or in a time very close to these, around these establishments or premises. The same penalties are applicable in particular to the fact, committed by an adult, of organizing meetings involving exhibitions or sexual relations in which a minor attends or participates or of knowingly attending such meetings. The penalties are increased to ten years' imprisonment and a fine of 1,000,000 euros when the acts were committed in an organized gang or against a minor of fifteen years.