![Crystal Cherry](https://t.jacquieetmichelelite.com/tags/pictures/0559e8a8-6b66-49a4-81be-237e8b8ade4a.jpg?auto=format&h=530&ixlib=python-4.0.0&mark-align=bottom-right&mark-w=120&mark64=aHR0cHM6Ly9zLmphY3F1aWVldG1pY2hlbGVsaXRlLmNvbS93YXRlcm1hcmtzL2xvZ29lbGl0ZS1zbWFsbGVyLnBuZw&w=355&s=ef30cc0c835e29836b4ce47afe417bb9)
Crystal Cherry
Discovered at Jacquie and Michel at the end of 2021, we cannot miss this young woman with a fiery temperament! Crystal Cherry is a porn star in the making: not frightened by the projects proposed by the productions that contact her, and open to new experiences and encounters, the young woman has everything to succeed in the world of porn.
Now a full-time actress, she started her sexual experiences very early Strong from her various adventures in the past, Crystal begins to dig her hole in this environment but still has many fantasies to fulfill...
There is no doubt that this sunny and jovial little brunette will be able to lead her boat and have a great career: find her now in several Jacquie and Michel Elite films, such as "Radio X-Sights"!